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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Grand Theft Auto : The Director's Cut

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Game Name : Grand Theft Auto : The Director's Cut
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-11-28 01:58:49
Views : 30032

Grand Theft Auto: All cities (1 and 2):
Enter CAPRICE as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: Display coordinates:
Enter BLOWME or WUGGLES as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: Cheat mode:
Enter the player names to enable the cheat features. Note: All of the code in the game may be used in combinations. Enter and accept a code, then go to "Rename" and enter another code. Your character can also be renamed to any desired name after the last code is entered.

Enter BSTARD as a player name for all weapons, unlimited ammunition, level selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, get out of jail, coordinate display, maximum wanted level, and the 5x bonus.

Enter THESHIT as a player name for all weapons, unlimited ammunition, level selection, ninety-nine lives, armor, get out of jail, and the 5x bonus.

Enter MADEMAN as a player name for all weapons, unlimited ammunition, level selection, armor, and get out of jail.

Enter GROOVY as a player name for all weapons, unlimited ammunition, armor, and get out of jail.

Enter PECKINPAH as a player name for armor, all weapons, and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

Enter HANGTHEDJ for all cities, money, and all weapons.

Grand Theft Auto: All cities (1 and 2)
Enter URGE as a player name.

More money:
When selling cars to the illegal car dealerships, that the faster the car the more money you will get for it. Exceptions are squad cars and ambulances.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City (1 and 2) and Andreas levels:
Enter TVTAN as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969: Other codes:
Enter one the following player names at the character screen to activate the corresponding cheats. Note: Use the rename command to enter multiple codes or to enter a regular name after all codes are entered.

Result - Name:

All levels, all weapons,maximum wanted level - GETCARTER
All weapons, "Get Out of Jail Free" card, armor - TOOLEDUP
All weapons, "Get Out of Jail Free" card, armor - DONTMESS
All levels, all infinite weapons - SORTED
All levels - RAZZLE
All levels - READERWIFE
London levels 1 and 2 - MAYFAIR
London levels 1 through 3 - PENTHOUSE
5x multiplier - SIDEBURN
99 lives - MCVICAR
9,999,990 points - BIGBEN
Coordinates - SWEENEY
Maximum wanted level. - OLDBILL
No cops - GRASS

Grand Theft Auto: 5x multiplier:
Enter EXCREMENT as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: Ninety-nine lives:
Enter SATANLIVES as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: All cities:
Enter TURF or INGLORIOUS as a player name.

Grand Theft Auto: City skip:
Enter WEYHEY as a player name to instantly collect 9999990 points.

Grand Theft Auto: No police:
Enter CHUFF as a player name.

Insert the game disc in an audio CD player and play tracks 2 and higher to hear music from the game. Change music:
Start any level, then press Start to pause game play. Switch the game CD with an audio CD of your choice. Resume game play. Every time a car is hijacked a random song on the CD will play. Note: Replace the game CD before completing the level.

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969: Cheat mode:
Press Square at the player selection screen and rename your character to HAROLDHAND. His portrait will change into that of a parrot to confirm correct code entry. Begin the game and all levels will be unlocked, with all weapons, full ammunition, full armor, 9,999,990 points, 99 lives, no police, and coordinates displayed onscreen.

Grand Theft Auto: Level select:
Enter SKYBABIES as a player name to choose any level up to "Mandarin Mayhem".

Grand Theft Auto: Maximum wanted level:
Enter EATTHIS as a player name to set the wanted level to four.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City (1 and 2):
Enter FECK as a player name.

Avoid pedestrians:
Beep the horn when driving near people.

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Grand Theft Auto : The Director's Cut Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Grand Theft Auto : The Director's Cut Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
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Grand Theft Auto : The Director's Cut Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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